With Lynn's job it is really difficult for us to leave for Spring Break, but I twisted his arm and convinced him that we needed to take the kids somewhere, anywhere, for a couple of days so that we wouldn't be totally bored the whole week. While going south to somewhere warm was really tempting, I thought it would be nice to go to Salt Lake, see some sites there and visit my mom. Here's a few pics:

(Maya, Hadley, Kyle and Mason)
Tuesday night we arrived in Salt Lake and my mom and my aunt were so kind to watch the kids while Lynn and I went to the Jordan River Temple. We wanted to go to the Draper temple but were running late and found out that you needed to get appointments ahead of time because they are so busy. That was fine because a temple is a temple, right? It is always wonderful to be in the temple.
My mom took the kids to Chuck E Cheese and they had a blast. Nina and her family came down and played too. Thanks so much Mom and Aunt Carmen!

The next day we enjoyed a ride on Trax (exciting for small town kids!) and went on a tour of the Conference Center. Kyle and Hadley have never been there, but it was fun for the rest of us to go again.

(On top of the Conference Center. Windy and cold....)
We were lucky enough to see an apostle during our trip. Elder D. Todd Christofferson was wandering the halls and we also rode in the elevator with him. It's always an awesome feeling to be in the presence of a prophet of the Lord.
Afterwards, we visited the observatory of the church office building - if you have never done this, you need to! It's amazing!

(See the capitol in the background?)
It is the very top floor of the building, 26th floor I think. And the elevator is the fastest elevator in Utah - you travel a floor a second, maybe even a little faster. We want to come back again on a clear day - they say you can see the whole valley from up there.

(How cute is this?)

(I told you....the view is amazing!)

(Ahhh.....another cute pic)

(Like I said, it was windy that day....)
After lunch, we spent the rest of the afternoon at Discovery Gateway. A very fun place for kids, but a little pricey if you don't have a membership there. I guess all that matters is the kids had fun, right?

That night the kids enjoyed another night of swimming at the hotel (thank heavens for Marriott rewards - free hotel stays!!). For small town families, an indoor swimming pool and a stay at a hotel is sometimes all the vacation we need!
After some minor car problems (thanks to a full gallon of watered down gas - don't buy gas from the Chevron in Orem that is southwest across from University Mall!!), we made it home safe and sound Thursday night. It was a fun trip, but it's always great to be home!