Sunday, June 8, 2008

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

Wow! I can't believe that my last post was so long ago! Time really does fly - whether you're having fun or not! But, we have had a lot of fun. I thought I'd quickly post a few things that we've done lately.

On Memorial Day Weekend, we traveled to Heber to ride the Heber Creeper and spend a "Day Out With Thomas." Kyle is a big Thomas the Tank fan, so we thought it would be fun to go do this as a family. It did turn out fun. Kyle loved seeing Thomas in "real life" and we had fun together as a family.

Mason and Lynn were able to go to one of the Jazz playoff games against the Rockets. Mason is a HUGE Jazz fan and so as part of his birthday, we decided to surprise him with tickets. I was able to find some tickets on KSL. com for them to go. They were actually really awesome seats for not too bad a price. These pictures were taken with a cheap, disposable camera with no zoom - so yeah, they were pretty good seats (not so great pictures!). I must admit, I was a little jealous that I couldn't go (we could only get two tickets and I couldn't leave Hadley) but it was so fun to see how much fun Mason had. Maybe next year I can go! Mason and Kyle have both started playing baseball. This is Mason's first year in Babe Ruth Baseball and Kyle's first year playing T-ball. Boy has that kept us running! But I think the boys have fun.

Mason had swimming lessons the first week after school got out. He's getting to be a pretty good swimmer and loves going off the diving board!

So, that's a little taste of our lives for the past month! Hopefully it won't take me so long to find time to share more!


Six of Us said...

Seeing pictures of you guys makes me 10 times more excited for the reunion than I was before. I can't believe how big Hadley is getting though. She's so dang cute. It's a good thing she has big brothers so when she hits high school (heaven forbid lol) they can keep the boys away. Anyway, I pretty much just wanted to say I'm excited. YAY!

Josh & Jamie said...

I am so jealous that you went to see Thomas. Tucker wanted to go so bad. Josh didn't like the idea though. We spent the weekend getting the motel up and running. talk to you later.

Six of Us said...

She wasn't really showing signs of being sick until we were there. We only fished for like, 5 minutes and left. lol Mom is over-exaggerating, but it's okay. That's mom. :)

Shy said...

What an adorable family!!! Thank you so much for your post. It helps to know someone understands and yet I'm sorry you had to go through it too!!! I'm also glad I have your blog so I can keep up to date on you and your cute family! You little girl is soooo precious! Thanks again...